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Saturday, 11 June 2016


04:23 By

What is Global Warming? 

Global warming is simply defined as increase in the earths temperature due to gases which trap the heat in the earth surface such as carbon dioxide released from burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

Causes of Global Warming

1. Greenhouse Gases

In this definition global warming causes are clearly stated. Let's define the green house gases. Green house gases are those gases that are able to absorb the infrared radiations. These gases trap the heat and in the earth atmosphere and causes the earth temperature to rise that leads to green house effect and leading to global warming. Examples of green house gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide etc.

How Greenhouse gases act?

Greenhouse gases act like a mirror that reflect back some radiations to the earth surface and trap the heat. These gases don't allow the radiation to go in the atmosphere. Through this greenhouse effect is created and hence it leads to the warming of the earth surface. 

2. Deforestation

The second major cause of deforestation is deforestation. Deforestation is defined as cutting of trees. Tree best absorb the carbon dioxide if we cut the trees than carbon dioxide will not be absorbed by trees and it will go in atmosphere and will act like greenhouse gas hat lead to global warming.

Effects of Global Warming

  • Rise in Sea Level
  • Heavy Storms 
Sea level rise is caused due to increase in temperature. The ice sheets in Antarctica has been melted and as a result sea level is rising worldwide.

High wind speeds leads to heavy storms such as cyclones and hurricanes. Hurricane Katrina is one of example had deadly effects on lives. The massive destruction was done.


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