Saturday, 11 November 2017
A Position Paper Addressing Issues In Papua New Guinea's Economy
Today, Papua New Guinea's economy is nothing to write home about. With a GDP rank of 115th position(nominal), Papua new guinea(PNG) is the poorest country in the Asia-pacific region. Apart from poverty, inequality has also spread like wildfire across the country, making PNG an ironical write-off for most investors. However, radical solutions can still be proffered to the economy backwardness in PNG. This forms the main thrust of this paper. Nevertheless,in proffering these radical solutions, this paper will be divided into three segments.
A- Implementing the Addis Ababa action-
After colonizing PNG for several decades, the Australian government announced its high priority for the country. Australia's aid program in PNG, is Australia's largest single aid investment globally. In other words, the Australian government places high level of priority in partnering with PNG. Orchestrated by the African Union,(formerly called Organization of African unity), in March 2016, PNG and Australia signed the "PNG-Australia aid partnership arrangement 2016-2017." This arrangement was signed in view of delivering effective and efficient aid. In other words, the Australian government became fully aware that reducing poverty and pursuing sustainable growth in PNG, is beneficial to both countries. In the light of this, a special committee assigned to look into the issue, came out with several recommendations:
After colonizing PNG for several decades, the Australian government announced its high priority for the country. Australia's aid program in PNG, is Australia's largest single aid investment globally. In other words, the Australian government places high level of priority in partnering with PNG. Orchestrated by the African Union,(formerly called Organization of African unity), in March 2016, PNG and Australia signed the "PNG-Australia aid partnership arrangement 2016-2017." This arrangement was signed in view of delivering effective and efficient aid. In other words, the Australian government became fully aware that reducing poverty and pursuing sustainable growth in PNG, is beneficial to both countries. In the light of this, a special committee assigned to look into the issue, came out with several recommendations:
1-"The committee recommends that the Australian government reverse funding cuts made to the PNG aid budget as part of a broader commitment to progressively increase Australia's official development assistance to 0.5 per cent of gross national income(GNI) by 2025."
2- "The committee recommends that the australian government reassess the priorities of the aid program in the context of the PNG government's recent budgetary cuts to education, health and infrastructure."
3- "The committee recommends that the objectives of the Australian aid program to PNG, explicitly include inclusive and equitable outcomes in development."
4- "The committee recommends that the key policy documents of the Australian aid program to PNG articulate how development objectives align with sustainable development goals."
5- "The committee recommends that the Australian aid program to PNG include increased support for non-government organisations, civil societies and churches delivering assistance to rural and remote communities."
6- "The committee recommends that the Australian government conduct an assessment of the impact of the closure of the Manus island regional processing center on development activities."
2- "The committee recommends that the australian government reassess the priorities of the aid program in the context of the PNG government's recent budgetary cuts to education, health and infrastructure."
3- "The committee recommends that the objectives of the Australian aid program to PNG, explicitly include inclusive and equitable outcomes in development."
4- "The committee recommends that the key policy documents of the Australian aid program to PNG articulate how development objectives align with sustainable development goals."
5- "The committee recommends that the Australian aid program to PNG include increased support for non-government organisations, civil societies and churches delivering assistance to rural and remote communities."
6- "The committee recommends that the Australian government conduct an assessment of the impact of the closure of the Manus island regional processing center on development activities."
It is quite unfortunate that the PNG's economy is highly dependent on imports. PNG's economy is largely dominated by two sectors: The agricultural sector and the industrial extraction sector. However, to fully understand the economy of PNG, it is expedient to
GDP ranks-115th (nominal), 130th (PPP)
GDP growth- 8.5%
GDP by sector- Agriculture: 29.9%, Industry: 37.6%, Services: 32.4%
Population below poverty line- 39.9%
Public debt- $5.296 billion (2011)
Revenues- $4.168 billion (2011)
Unemployment rate- 1.9%(2008)
GDP growth- 8.5%
GDP by sector- Agriculture: 29.9%, Industry: 37.6%, Services: 32.4%
Population below poverty line- 39.9%
Public debt- $5.296 billion (2011)
Revenues- $4.168 billion (2011)
Unemployment rate- 1.9%(2008)
Having a concise and careful look at this statistics, it is plainly obvious that PNG economy is not buoyant enough, in spite of her rich natural resources. Poverty has become a way of life for Pauper Guineans. In spite of the country's rich agricultural and natural resources(palm oil,crude oil, copper, gold, cocoa), the poverty rate of 39.9%, is quite alarming. However from the statistics above, we can see that PNG economy is more of importing than exporting. Hence the economy crisis in the country. Given this fact, if PNG economy must become buoyant again, the country must improve on her exporting rate by promoting agriculture, the green economy.
C- Designing effective policies and institutions to reduce inequality-
On June 8 2016, 8 students were shot by the police and 23 students were injured during a violent protest at the University of Papua New Guinea(UPNG) in the capital city of Port Moresby. The protesters were clamouring for the resignation of PNG's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neil, over corruption allegations. The incessant protests were triggered by a number of issues like the Police anti-corruption unit and the Prime Minister's refusal to be investigated.
On June 8 2016, 8 students were shot by the police and 23 students were injured during a violent protest at the University of Papua New Guinea(UPNG) in the capital city of Port Moresby. The protesters were clamouring for the resignation of PNG's Prime Minister, Peter O'Neil, over corruption allegations. The incessant protests were triggered by a number of issues like the Police anti-corruption unit and the Prime Minister's refusal to be investigated.
Another issue is the influx of foreign investment and resource development, that has only benefited the wealthy class of Papua Guineans. Thus creating inequality in the country. To reduce this issue of inequality in the country, several measures must be put in place. First, the government must effectively make sure that foreign-owned companies, sell shares to indigenous Guineans. Second, the government should also establish empowerment schemes, bent on sensitizing youths on the prospects and gains of the green economy. When these policies and institutional schemes have been established, an iota of buoyancy will become evident in PNG economy.
The Light of Enthusiasm Is Gone As Depression Takes Over
Most will know what happens at such a time. They started something in the past that drew them along with such enthusiasm that little else mattered. Their dreams were set in stone and the driving force so strong they could not imagine anything going wrong. But then something happens and it crumbles down around them. Their dreams are suddenly gone with their lives turned into muck.
Desperation and despair follows. Without a goal they flounder in their misery. They wallow in self-pity. They grab for a thread of anything that might pull them out. No matter how hard they try, however, every string that might release them breaks. What do they do?
Millions are in this situation globally and there is little hope for change. Jobs are scarce and almost impossible to find, especially for those over 45 years of age. Industries are retracting and work-forces shrinking. Robots and artificial intelligence is replacing the human brain and hands-on requirements in manufacturing.
Even those with degrees in specialised areas are finding little relief from the decline. Some with doctorates are joining the homeless on the streets. Many are taking their lives and those who survive are frantic with stress and worry.
The world is in its death throes and none can change it. The over-population of countries and the lack of compassion of governments to wards their citizens is not helping. The financial situation on a global scale is dire and while many prefer not to tune into the news they remain in the dark.
Those who are caught in such places where war is fought or poverty too hard to survive are fleeing and exporting their problems into the richer corners of societies where they are bleeding the host nations dry. There is a general lack of enthusiasm throughout.
The problem is that God is fed up with most of humanity. The prophecies state that at this time Divine anger, and retaliation will strike. While man has ignored the Universal Spir
it and substituted it with the false gods of his own making he is now buried in the quagmire of his folly.
Money is man's invention for power and control. It is the ruination of the planet because it takes from nature and destroys the environment. Those who gain the most usually cheat and lie to do it. They take without giving back and they abuse their fellow man in the process.
Even they, however, are suffering the lack of enthusiasm they once felt because the rot is gaining momentum from the roots up. The pressure to produce depends on an economy that was put in place by Constantine, the Roman Emperor, who also established the Catholic Church. Rulers after him have upheld his work and supported the false images and dreams he presented.
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17
Following my reincarnation and with commissions received from the Spirit to remove the wall of confusion and deceit this was shown to me. In large capital letters that stood in the air before my face were the words CONSTANTINE IS 666.
Years of research and teaching followed and everything the Spirit showed me has now come to light. The depth of despair the world is suffering is because of his work and the deceit of those who followed to alter and cement in place the lies. Corruption, confusion, magic, and loss of Spirit is resulting in the final onslaught and the impending disaster of the last days.
Depression hangs over the world as the Spirit promised. The world of 666 is coming to an end and all who supported him in life will be gone, along with his systems and the World Order that stands on his foundation.
National Economic Reform's: Department Of Economic Development
Not since FDR has the United States been faced with the enormity of rebuilding America's economy and infrastructure. Today our economy as well as the nations infrastructure is putting this nations security and stability in grave danger. Our economy today is already on the verge of falling into the abyss by factors very reminiscent of the events that led to the Great Depression of the 1930's. And, yes another housing bubble like the one we just had in 2008 is poised to burst. But, you wouldn't know it the way Trump is citing his most illustrious accomplishments and of course the media is right behind with their bogus reporting of the unemployment numbers. What we are faced with today is that the United States is still woefully unprepared to handle any financial calamity.To top it off our "Wizards" on capital hill and Trump in the White House continue to be oblivious to the calamity of either a infrastructure disaster or the continued economic woes that are keeping millions of American's languishing in financial devastation would do to this nation.
All ready in practically every city across the country there is a Department Of Economic Development. The primary focus of this department is to generate more business growth within their respective city. In doing so more tax revenue would flow into these cities to support the mandated public services that are now required by law. Without business growth as in so many instances today all across the country city budget shortfalls only exasperate an ongoing economic domino effect of financial hardship for all. There are many factors that have to be implemented to secure business growth to increase and expand the tax base within each city all across the country. Without more educational venues offered, accessible reliable public transportation available, affordable decent housing and all the other logistics that make it not only conducive but productive for business development in cities and towns business growth will continue to decline. The tax base will be put on the burden of the home owner which only creates more economic hardships for all.
When The Department Of Commerce and Labor was created back 1903 and subsequently consolidated in 1913 into the Department of Commerce the only time that that agency has managed to spur real economic growth was through the intervention of FDR. The numerous public works projects that FDR implemented facilitated Americas victory in World War II and propelled the United States to it's greatest economic expansion following the War through to the end of the 1960's. What has happened since are a number of policy changes that have undermined the economic and financial opportunities of so many millions of Americans. Consequently, we have inadvertently created the greatest wealth disparity gap in history, lost almost all of our manufacturing capabilities, and reduced the middle class to almost extinction. All this with the fact that our educational levels have plummeted so that the United States isn't even on the radar sort of speaking in global educational standards. In essence our graduates are are not fully prepared for whatever jobs that are available today.
Now, when the economic calamity from 2008 financial crisis hit the fallout is still keeping the United States economy stagnant at best. Just a few years ago the Hostess Corporation closed so many bakeries they laid off over 18,000 employees just in time for the holidays. In Florida of that same year over 2,000 state workers suffered the same fate. Today, the retail industry is dying forcing more people onto the unemployment lines. With Trump in the White House and our Republican led Congress have done actually nothing to spark a rejuvenation in employment numbers. The media still fails to tell the truth about the sad fact that unemployment and underemployment have decimated our nations ability to prosper. This is another reason why there is so much agitation especially within the Black community. In every city and town across the country the African American unemployment rate is more than triple that of what the media is reporting.
The reality has yet to hit home to our elected officials to the true crisis in the country. The lack of opportunity for millions of Americans to be able to earn a living wage is staggering. And, yet too many officials really have turned a blind eye to what is really going on. When we have riots in the streets instead of workers in factories, or behind counters, or in so many other occupations is a tell tale sign that governmental policies for the past 40 years have undermined the American workers ability to prosper. When we have CEO's raking in huge exorbitant salaries and corporate profits at record levels while the rest of us languish with starvation wages or worse yet having to rely on meager unemployment benefits that don't last creates a tempest that is only exasperated by our elected officials failure to implement policies that would propel the United States into brighter and more secure future. What we have today is that our Republican led Governors, members of Congress, as well as our infamous President can't quite grasp what they have done and continue to do by not ushering policies that actually put more Americans back to work with living wages much like what FDR did.
From all indications since the election it is quite apparent that those in Washington still, like so many Republicans, can't grasp the reality facing millions of Americans today. The Department of Commerce has done some semblance of trying to reassemble economic growth but this Administration still does not have a definitive plan of direction both short and long term that would effectively curtail the events like the ones that unfolded when the Hostess Corporation closed it's doors. It is time to restructure the Department of Commerce and re institute an expanded Economic Development Administration so that the Department of Commerce would now become The Department Of Economic Development and incorporate all essential posts that would felicitate economic and financial growth across the country.
Currently there are too many duplications in practically every cabinet post where much needed resources are now being diverted from reaching the areas that need it most. It is quite apparent that steps have to be taken to reform and consolidate especially the current Department of Commerce so that the resources actually will go where they will do the most good. This includes placing the emphasis on Economic Development with a major emphasis on equalizing our trade deficit, investing in infrastructure restoration, securing our energy grid, focus on reducing the unemployment numbers especially in African American communities and establishing living wage standards all across the country. Not just raising the federal minimum wage either.
When most think of our trade deficit many question why China is cornering the market? In practically every shelf in practically every store across the country there are so many items that really are made in China. But, that doesn't show the bigger picture. When in reality it is not all those imports. Sure, they contribute much to our lack of manufacturing jobs but what else is curtailing our economic growth is right here in the United States? Education for one thing.Today's educational levels hare a far cry from what the US had back in the 1950 through the 1960's. The standards in education have made high school graduates not being able to compete for the jobs that are available today. Education of our youth and young adults is vital in turning the tide toward improving the unemployment numbers.
In order to answer why China is gaining economically we have to take a close look at our imports which have for the past 40 years have been far exceeding our exports. Not to mention what NAFTA continues to do in regards to our loss of overall productivity. We have to remember that right after NAFTA was signed in 1993 our job losses were staggering and the effect is still being felt today. Today, our whole economic scenario is almost on the same parallel as the 2008 housing crisis. The pervasive attitude among too many CEO's forget what Henry Ford did so many decades ago. He strengthened the middle class while today's CEO's have only weakened the middle class to the point of almost no return. A recent
report shows that wages have continued to stagnate. And adjusted for inflation today's wages have shrunk drastically. The sad fact that today millions that are still working have seen their earning decrease while everything else the cost keep increasing. This retardation of wages all across the country is the sad reality of today. We have to remember that the health and stability of any country lies with the majority of people earning living wages. The more people with enough disposable income to spend, pay down debt, and to save at least 10% annually is the greatest economic boost for any country. In essence the fulfillment of The Williams Theory of Economic Evolution. That is not the case today of what is happening in America.
What the Department of Economic Development has to do is address our trade agreements and reinforce not on free trade but equal trade along with putting higher tariffs on goods coming in from China, Mexico, Canada and even Germany to name a few. This along with coordinating with other cabinet departments on a unified plan of Direction using National Economic Reform as the guide to implement changes, concepts, and policies that will in fact create the environment that is conducive for more business growth. This along with creating economic opportunities that should be available to every single American. Another sad reality of today is the fact thousands of Americans have already left the country for other countries just because the economic opportunities are more plentiful outside the United States. When people find financial and economic roadblocks right here in America where the land of opportunity has shut it's doors in so many faces is a travesty that has to be immediately rectified.
The job at hand for the Department Of Economic Development is to expand the tax base all across the country. Work with all other agencies and Departments primarily the Department of Education to retool our educational standards to equip our youth and young adults with the knowledge and the tools necessary so that they can become employable in the jobs of the 21st century. This Department is mandated to rebuild our infrastructure, roads, bridges, schools, and other buildings that poise a threat to the safety of all. To work with the Department of Energy to update our energy grid to the highest standards necessary so that no amount of catastrophe will render the United States defenseless by being without energy sources to power our country. This department is mandated to work with the EPA to improve water and air qualities so that every community is furnished with enough clean fresh water so that another episode of what happened and is happening in Flint Michigan will never happen again any where in the United States. The jobs are enormous but to ignore the realities facing our country today put the United States and the rest of the world in jeopardy. These are the purposes and goals of the United States Department of Economic Development.
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Waste Water Treatment Processes and Benefits
In urban settings, wastewater treatment comes under the authority of the Public Works Department which is entrusted with the management of solid waste, sewage treatment including human waste, storm water drainage etc. Wastewater treatment plants in these areas treat wastewater as well as the byproducts or effluents from the wastewater treatment like sewage sludge, grit and screenings. Here it is mostly wastewater from households and industries and the treatment is referred to as 'sewage treatment' although in many cities the sewer lines also carry large amounts of industrial effluents to the sewage treatment plants in addition to storm water also.
Hence, sewage treatment primarily comprises the process of removing contaminants through a combination of physical, biological and chemical processes and ensure that the end product is environmentally safe treated water that is suitable for land uses. Most wastewater treatment plants are 'centralized systems' with a vast extensive network of aerobic treatment systems, bio-filters and septic tanks.
The term 'wastewater treatment' has in many countries today replaced the term 'sewage treatment'. In the developed world, wastewater treatment plants treat mainly wastewater from residential areas and business places. Wastewater from industrial and manufacturing plants, refineries etc. is treated onsite through infrastructure and facilities to ensure that the effluents are treated before release into local environments. Hence the processes are very complex. The first stages can see the wastewater being used to cool machines and boile
r systems before undergoing a second stage of treatment and used for other purposes. It is absolutely imperative that all the effluents are removed and it is illegal to let out untreated wastewater into lakes, ponds, rivers and seas. Doing so can invite stringent punishment and prosecution.Primary processes of wastewater treatment
Wastewater treatment processes involve several steps, chief among them are the following:
1. Collection of wastewater at a central point or plant
2. Odor control by use of chemicals to neutralize foul smells
3. Screening process, which involves removal of large waste objects - e.g. broken bottles, diapers, nappies, plastics, sanitary items etc. that can cause damage to machinery and cause environmental damage.
4. Primary treatment process which involves separating macrobiotic waste solids from the wastewater. The solids which collect on the surface of large tanks are removed and pumped out for further treatment.
5. Secondary treatment is broadly referred to as the 'activated sludge process' which breaks down the sludge in the wastewater further. Huge aeration tanks into which air is pumped mix the wastewater with the 'seed sludge' enabling the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms which consume the organic residues. Larger particles and residue settle at the bottom of these tanks.
After these primary processes, later steps include secondary treatment, bio-solids handling, tertiary treatment, disinfection and sludge treatment. Wastewater treatment provides several benefits such as preventing water pollution, ensuring the environment is clean and free from damage, maximizes usage of natural resource like water, provides an alternate source of water for factory and industrial usage, prevents disease outbreaks and ensures adequate water supply for agriculture and irrigation purposes.
How Air Pollution Is Affecting People in Industrial Areas
No matter what everyone says, the air pollution is still on the rise and is making everyone pay a large price for continuing environmental pollution. Pollution and that too from industries are badly affecting the surroundings in an industrial place. The workers get greatest exposure to the pollutants of pollution. This continuous exposure causes a number of effects - like asthma, abnormal lung de-growth, foetal brain damage, and even onset of diabetes.
Many well-known research academics are claiming that prolong contact with such harmful pollutants can terminally damage children's lungs. Facts also say that premature death of many people in many industrial sectors of the world is because of the air pollutants alone.
The Process of Pollution
So how are these pollutants together affecting the people? Let us find out -
The road traffic around an industrial sector gives rise to nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide from burning fuels behind every vehicle.
How to get rid of them?
Good Habits - Try to shut down the engine as soon as you stuck in traffic. If you keep
on burning the engine fuels, it will create smoke clouds full of all those harmful greenhouses gases that directly affect our health. The pollutants are very harmful to a pregnant woman, as the pollutants directly affect the growth of the fetus inside her womb.How are Children getting affected?
Usually, what happens is that government and private organisations set up universities and colleges in and around industrial areas. However, they don't have the slightest idea that these pollutants basically damage the brains of the kids in school.
The General Public should be Aware
Many developed countries are even struggling their way into making their country free from pollution. This process basically takes a lot of time and more importantly requires participation from the general masses to make it a success.
The particulate matter and the nitrogen oxide from vehicles, along with metal particles from industry foams together deplete the environment and people's health. Sulfur dioxide rises from the burning of fuels and that comes mostly from the power stations. Ozone forms due to a chemical reaction between the traffic, natural and industrial gases, which form after chemical combination under sunlight.
The Way to Fight Industry Pollution
The gases and pollutants are reasons behind heart diseases and type 2-diabetes among adults. The best way to fight this pollution problem is - installation of pollutant filtering industrial parts that can keep a check on a number of pollutants emerge out of the industrial vapors. More and more industries should become more responsible to their environment and workers. They need to understand the worth of lives and need to carry out industrial practices that prevent pollution.
Monday, 7 August 2017
What to Consider Before Hiring Any Water Treatment Company
If you are concerned about the water quality that you regularly use in your home or business, or you need to repair a water treatment system, you need the help of a professional water treatment company. Usually, upon contacting such a company, they will inspect the system in your home or business, identify the fault, suggest a solution and then install a new system or fix the faulty parts.
How to choose a water treatment company?
Before finalizing any company, you need to ensure that they specialize in this type of testing and repairing. Some new companies may not have the technology or tools needed to guarantee that your issue might be solved properly. On the other hand, some companies may offer some incentives in case you work with them, which might be enjoyed by you.
Let us now see what you have to keep in mind before choosing any such companies.
- Decide what services you need
- Whether the company will do a testing
- Whether the company will guarantee quality services
- Whether the company is licensed
- Fix your budget
5 Wastewater Management Techniques You Need to Know About
You probably have heard the term "wastewater management" before, as it is commonly used by environmental enthusiasts and institutions that care about the future of our world. Wastewater treatment is a method used to recycle the wastewater originated from commercial and residential establishments and other sources for human consumption and use.
In short, this method helps reuse polluted water to save our environment from its harmful effects. These days, some new techniques are being used for this purpose by many water treatment plants and some of them have been mentioned below:
1. Electrical current
This technique involves exposing the polluted water to electric current called Electrocoagulation. When the current goes through the waste water, all the contaminants, germs and bacteria in it, no matter if they are in dissolved or non-dissolved forms, get removed properly; thus leaving behind only crystal clear water for reuse. This is comparatively a new process that is innovative, cost-efficient and easy to apply.
2. Reverse osmosis
This treatment process seems effective in recycling harmful water that is full with bacteria and has originated from the industrial waste. In this process, a semi-porous membrane is usually put on top of it to get rid of all the chemicals and molecules present in it. In fact, reverse osmosis is also called membrane filtration process due to the membrane used in it.
3. Natural treatments
Some chemical-free processes may be used for making wastewater reusable in a natural manner, such as lagooning or Phytodepuration. In the Phytodepuration process, the infected water is poured in basins containing aquatic plants. Such plants have enough properties to purify the wastewater in a natural manner. On the other hand, the lagooning method involves pouring wastewater into basins called lagoons where it is purified naturally with different processes.
4. Exchanging ions
This is another new wastewater management technique where the wastewater is purified through exchanging ions between the electrolytes, or between a complex and an electrolyte. The water is purified and the contaminants are removed as soon as the exchange of ions happens.
5. Distillation
Although this is not a new wastewater management technique, it is still considered one of the most effective methods. This process usually involves introducing the contaminated water to a mix of liquids boiled at different temperatures so as to bring about the necessary changes and separate the pollutants from the water; making it reusable for various purposes.
In fact, distillation is applicable for purifying wastewater generated from various sources, including but not limited to agricultural processes, commercial and industrials sectors, households, etc. Although this process involves using chemicals to a great extent, it is still a manual process and so can be deemed natural and environment-friendly.
To conclude, it can be said that wastewater management has now become an integral part of saving our environment for the betterment of us and our future generations as well. So we should take all the necessary steps for keeping our world habitable.